(383) I thought I'd lie on the floor and writhe in pain for a while, he grunted, It relaxes me. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. She tried to give a sarcastic turn to this idea. (376) Soon the sarcastic cat Mittens joins Bolt and as they make their way across country, they're joined by a third musketeer, a deranged hamster named Rhino. (143) He grinned. (471) What is the meaning of "sarcastic" in a sentence. Use emoticons to avoid confusion, such as when you are being playfully sarcastic. (103) She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks. (288) Picasso was no clown. do you always have to make those stupid sarcastic digs? 7- A single insight fetched a sarcastic round of applause. (335) My dad is a very quick-witted, sarcastic, dry, humorous guy, whereas my mom's very silly, and that side of the family is very musical. He had a great mild sarcastic, dry humor. The encyclopedia project Wikipedia is the most popular wiki on the public web in terms of page views,[3] but there are many sites running many different kinds of wiki software. (274) Lactantius, writing early in the 4th century, is even more sarcastic in his references to the heathen practice. (224) The way she writes is very sarcastic and funny and she curses a lotis she like that at home? All Words. said Julie, directing a sly, She just broke down a list of reasons why nobody's in town and I can't tell if she's being, Sure, I felt my insides clenching with a buildup of lactic irony, felt the rush of ready, There are different kinds of humor, some is, A source in the room at the time later told Fox News that the deputy attorney general's remark was considered, Easy to do, I suppose, Fiona says, turning a, He was sent to Congress to report Gates's success against Burgoyne, but his tardiness secured for him a, The Justice Department issued a statement from one of the participants in the meeting who described the remark as, Indeed, such is the power of gesture that a wink or a, I open my mouth to say something, but Hina nudges me under the table, so I bite my lip and keep my, Some praised him for his efforts, while others were, True, not everybody loves her; there are some who taunt her with, One source for The Times reportedly said Rosenstein was being, After reading the satirical piece of literature, I didnt know whether to laugh at the, Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned, and Richard greeted him with, 2Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned, and Richard greeted him with. (136) Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke. (329) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical , sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. (443) What is the definition of an "sarcastic"? (191) You are mistaken, said Boris deliberately, with a bold and slightly sarcastic smile. (459) What is another word for "sarcastic"? (363) The film includes audio of their sarcastic reaction to communication problems with Mission Control, and their realization that the cockpit was burning. She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. (409) Danny Sullivan, a respected expert on search engines, for example, posted a witheringly sarcastic comment on his site. (39) He chopped in with a sarcastic remark. (351) An appeal by The New York Times asking readers to share experiences of petty crime in London backfired - when it was hijacked by sarcastic Brits. , 3. His sarcastic wit also comes to play throughout the tale. Times, Sunday Times. (292) The statement was sarcastic and was never discussed with any intention of recording a conversation with the president. He didn't look like the same person who picked me up this morning. (434) O ye who believe! , 2. (258) He left for Moscow in 1920, where he made sarcastic stage designs that poked at the Suprematist usurpers. All rights reserved. (47) 1He can't help making sarcastic comments. (118) My whole family is very sarcastic and constantly making jokes. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. (145) Here's some of the good, the bad, the hilariously sarcastic and the ugly: (146) 2I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. Throughout the trial he evinced a range of carefully calibrated emotions - caustic , That is what I like about you, Mrs. Dashwood, he said. (375) Because Amy was brought up to always be respectful, she restrained the urge to make a sarcastic retort to the young mans question about her zodiac sign. She had a bitter and sarcastic tongue for a young girl. (226) This official and a source who was in the room characterized Rosenstein's remark as sarcastic. it's hard to think of those two in a sentence. You can choose to be nice or smarmy (sarcastic). (346) It intensified within hours, with a sarcastic , racially incendiary jibe Pocahontas lobbed by Mr. Trump himself during a visit to Las Vegas. (41) Wonderful, was the sarcastic response. (359) But he does appear to need some tutoring, said Andrea Nahles, the leader of Germanys mainstream Social Democratic party, striking a sarcastic tone. 10- Jo's voice was sarcastic with patience. We were abused mentally, physically, and emotionally. sentence for "phobia". (207) Trump told the crowd, going off script, in a sarcastic aside after calling for harmony. (251) He apologized to the victim in a sarcastic manner before throwing the wig on the ground, police said. (232) This official and a source who was in the room characterized Rosenstein's remark as sarcastic . towards the end of the 19th century to indicate a sentence which should be understood as ironic or, Then he said that flooding in Virginias coastal communities is a function of sinking land not rising sea levels an assertion that prompted, Usually I was so depressed on that day that I could find it in myself to be, Mr Layton was due before a disciplinary committee to answer charges that he was unhelpful to Pocklington's new arts centre and its staff, and, Commentary on the video in the Afrikaans language included, Danny Sullivan, a respected expert on search engines, for example, posted a witheringly, Making others happy, through kindness of speech and sincerity of right advice, is a sign of true greatness. (338) That is what I like about you, Mrs. Dashwood, he said. (330) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical, sarcastic , humorous or honky-tonk. (417) And when that draws sarcastic comment from the management team, his ability to offer quick-witted retorts allows him to ride the banter as effortlessly as another lunge from a desperate defender. (93) One was voted most sarcastic in my high school class. Email: info@translateen.com. (358) But he does appear to need some tutoring, said Andrea Nahles, the leader of Germanys mainstream Social Democratic party, striking a sarcastic tone. (44) 1I squashed him with a sarcastic remark. (244) Good enough to eat, he added with a wink and in a manner that can only be described as sarcastic. In a typical wiki, text is written using a simplified markup language (known as "wiki markup") or a rich-text editor. They are often exaggerated, sarcastic and meant to be satirical in nature. 6- His columns were usually sarcastic with touches of humor. (42) are you being sarcastic andor abusive? (102) 2Denis could hear the tone of sarcastic relish in his voice. (157) And New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark. (424) Rosenstein discussed secretly recording Trump, though one person who was present at the time said Rosenstein was just being sarcastic , and reportedly suggested removing the commander in chief from office. "I'm not saying I hate you, what I'm saying is that you are literally the. 1. (463) The Word "sarcastic" in Example Sentences. Wiki User. (302) He was ridiculous, and unpleasantly sarcastic, but yet he inspired involuntary respect by his boundless devotion to an idea. (348) Every time anyone would talk to the sassy senior, she would make a sarcastic statement with such an alert appearance causing everyone to laugh. Some are easier to catch on to than others. and "When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark." 2. (290) There are different kinds of humor, some is sarcastic, some introspective. Hallmark responded by creating their own online collection of ecards, and since Hallmark owns the copyright to the Maxine franchise, the company added an entire collection of those cards dedicated to the endearing and sarcastic character. (218) Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour , reserve, and caprice. (281) Fox News, citing a source who was in the room at the time, said Rosenstein's wire comment was seen as sarcastic . But if you learn whole sentences with "sarcastic", instead of the word "sarcastic" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! The severely phobic person is then ' sensitized ' to fear. This line in my contact details often raises a smirk, usually combined with a sarcastic " Enjoy your day off ". The acting is top-notch, and Parsons has won a pair of Emmys for his turn as the witty, When a servant brought back accounts of sermons from nonconformist meetings, Milton became so. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. (162) I phrased it as a sarcastic taunt , but I genuinely wanted to know the answer. Possibly, there is an inability to understand sarcastic comments. (419) jrme, i think we've had enough sarcastic remarks lf these meetings seem so ridiculous, then don't come i come because they do me good believe it or not lt does me the world of good, just like you. (186) There are many kinds of smiles, such as sarcastic, artificial or diplomatic smiles. (236) But for these folks, sarcastic is part of their identity and, they hope, their partners, too. (357) Izzy wrapped up with a triumphant and brutal verse rhyming spastic, sarcastic, and less than fantastic, and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. But a growing number accept school phobia as a valid reason to keep their little ones out of the classroom. Noah--sarcastic, distant, untouchable Noah--cared. . (279) Responding to this personal attack, Paul's comments are a sarcastic rebuttal of the denunciations of his victims. (462) How to use "sarcastic" in a sentence. Sarcastic sentence examples:1.she can be very Sarcastic.2.it's not even enough for them to have been respectful but their tone of voice was Sarcastic and disrespectful.3.i'm sick of your Sarcastic remarks just chuck it, will you?4.i knew her, she could be very Sarcastic.5.and i hate to be so ironic and Sarcastic about . (177) Your posts are snide, snotty, sarcastic and serve no purpose in any discussion. (112) My wit is benignly sarcastic , so I made a comment in that vein. (299) Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously. Inicio Uncategorized sarcastic and phobic in a sentence. (38) I think Tom was just being sarcastic. (99) It was really pleasant, he said with a sarcastic chuckle. (266) The books hypnotic power does not derive so much from its wild details as from its epically sarcastic tone. (312) One source for The Times reportedly said Rosenstein was being sarcastic about wearing a wire, while others said he was serious. (263) In context, as Nomani later explained, she was being sarcastic about the activists waiting for their check. This an emotionless expression that leaves a listener wondering whether the speaker is joking or not. The neatness of the form has led to a very extensive use of the limerick for all sorts of mockserious purposes, political, social and sarcastic, and a good many specimens have achieved a popularity which has been all the wider because they have, perforce, been confined to verbal transmission. (148) The station's response was to play sarcastic sounds such as animal noises. (245) I expect to see a smug or sarcastic expression on his face, but his look is strangely quizzical . All rights reserved. This line in my contact details often raises a smirk, usually combined with a sarcastic " Enjoy your day off " . He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical , Additionally, since you have the intention of mocking this poor person, you have not only been verbally ironic, but, She is also a self-cutter, her body crosshatched with scars; she is fresh from a stint at the psych ward; she is, It always irritates me when I have to specify that I was using sarcasm in a response, especially to the person I was being. (14) (1) Owen has a phobia about snakes. 0 1 Found in one out of every 10 Americans, specific phobias seem to run in families and are roughly twice as likely to appear in women. (378) It's more irreverent, sarcastic, and caustic than what I'm used to hearing from Army officer wives I knew - and female Army officers in dual-military couples. That's a good sign probably. To hurt another soul by sarcastic words, looks, or suggestions, is despicable. (52) She was a master of the sarcastic put-down. (221) That's a point for me since I tend to get belligerent and sarcastic in political arguments. (127) .or that you're sarcastic Soon, you'll be soaking Come on, Rosita. (326) A source told Fox News on Sept. 22 that Rosensteins wire comments about secretly recording President Trump were meant to be sarcastic. For this reason, a visit to Hot Topic is sure to be engulfed in blacks, purples, and a myriad of sarcastic catch phrases and products carrying a certain sense of dark humor. However, it contains only one independent clause. I did not perceive her sarcastic remark as insensitive. He glanced up at her, his expression and tone sarcastic. How do you use the words sarcastic and phobic in a sentence. Hyde Flippo Francis, the narrator, is a witty, sardonic, sarcastic, cynical, philosophical, romantic idealist. Melville delivered his opinion to that effect in two long speeches with his accustomed freedom, and, having shortly afterwards written a sarcastic Latin epigram on some of the ritual practised in the chapel of Hampton Court, and some eavesdropper having conveyed the lines to the king, he was committed to the tower, and detained there for four years. These will leave even the most sarcastic teen girls gleefully running about, picking up the latest trends. We were told we werent good enough. (90) In debate he was frequently vituperative and sarcastic. It's difficult to see sarcastic in a sentence . (254) Actresses have tried the line different ways: as a sarcastic question, a flat dismissal, a verbal slap. (261) And she learned that her mother is excited or angry or sarcastic about it, depending on the tone of voice. (16) Are you being sarcastic? Sarcastic In A Sentence Short & Simple Example Sentence For Sarcastic | Sarcastic Sentence Lloyd commented in a sarcastic tone of voice. (166) The Justice Department said his talk of recording the president was sarcastic. He couldn't figure how sensibly clothed, satirical, Here I was telling him something that was quite major and he had the cheek to be, As in The Prince, the point is made by way of an allusion to, and a, The boys tended to make the men peevish and, I glanced at him, seeing his intent face, and decided against something, Willis grinned his way through every episode, often breaking the fourth wall with, In addition to gaining seriousness, the genial, good-natured boy becomes a, We take a look at the world of entertainment, pointing at various public figures and being all, The man became a little bit aggressive to me as I wished him a, I put emphasis on the word fun, twisting it so that it sounded chiding and. Use 'phobic' in a sentence | 'phobic' example sentences. (410) Danny Sullivan, a respected expert on search engines, for example, posted a witheringly sarcastic comment on his site. (262) 1No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic and when he is trying to awaken us to something. How to use Sarcastic in a sentence sarcastic Meanings Synonyms Sentences She gave him a sarcastic smile. (164) 1His story prompted a sarcastic question from Fitch, the prosecuting attorney. (200) Im used to saying his name with a sarcastic kind of emphasis, a tiny vocal eye roll. (203) Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice. (15) Was she being sarcastic? (398) Now we are expected to believe that Rosenstein was only being sarcastic when he allegedly schemed to surreptitiously record the president and try to depose him from office. Added to this I was becoming increasingly phobic about using the phone at all - an occupational hazard of the self-employed. the voice was, She poked fun at people's shortcomings with, You know that face deadpan, with a normal, I gave him this name sign because he's always very, The funny thing was, she had no idea that I was being, I am in full possession of the amazing power of being, 1. I didn't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize. (242) Because Jenna was sometimes quite sarcastic, her friends often forgot how affable she could be. Upon the cry of the "good old cause" he is especially sarcastic and severe in The True Good Old Cause Rightly Stated and other pamphlets. 6. (18) what's sarcastic about it? (367) All it takes is a meaningful pause, a facial twitch, or a slightly sarcastic inflection for my palms to get clammy, my face to flush, my heart to pound. (315) The book is funny and sarcastic , and readers will appreciate OConnells passion on the subject, which is evident in the prose. (307) Indeed, such is the power of gesture that a wink or a sarcastic intonation inevitably reframes and inverts the literal meaning. (334) She is also a self-cutter, her body crosshatched with scars; she is fresh from a stint at the psych ward; she is sarcastic and unstable. (65) 'I thought so,' she said with a sarcastic smile. (390) Marrying thought provoking lyrics with great melodies and his trademark acoustic guitar playing, his music is underlined with an acerbic and sometimes sarcastic wit. 397 sentences with 'phobic'. Social Phobia is not just shyness; 0. Yes! Desensitization-A treatment for phobias which involves exposing the phobic person to the feared situation. (342) Harris looked noticeably more relaxed as he offered a sarcastic welcome to Colvin, who moved back into the district from Washington last year. (124) Everything is smart and sarcastic and divisive and nasty and cutesy. (305) Just through the above - mentioned sarcastic - retort narration, the novelette can further present the motif distinctly. (211) She was a veteran editor and reporter with four children and quick with a sarcastic quip. (345) The juxtaposition robust muscleman and gawky fowl is a wonderfully sarcastic rebuke to Platos description of humans as featherless bipeds. (418) When he talked it was with a factitious and cunning simplicity which was not unattractive, but through it pierced the old man, the Valencian foundling, shrewd, sarcastic, crafty and uncommunicative. And that made him real. (108) He was, of course, capable of being sarcastic at their expense. (341) He didn't look like the same person who picked me up this morning. A complex sentence with "sarcastic" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (86) I understand that a lot of people say he's sarcastic . (343) The juxtaposition robust muscleman and gawky fowl is a wonderfully sarcastic rebuke to Platos description of humans as featherless bipeds. (228) In some cases, its an opportunity to express frustration in a focused way, in a sarcastic way. (134) Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's sarcastic tweet: (135) His sarcastic comments offer a sharp critique of European conventions. (222) Brisky said the posts werent an imminent threat that would cause harm and were sarcastic . (234) They were incredibly sarcastic and mocking, and their general treatment of you was so demeaning. (333) A source told Fox News on Sept. 22 that Rosensteins wire comments about secretly recording President Trump were meant to be sarcastic . You play the "Bard", a sarcastic, sharp-witted, lute-playing individual whose goals in life up to this point were only to fill his pocket with silver, his belly with food, and enjoy the company of many women. (161) I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. (384) At regular intervals, backbenchers apishly banged their desks to salute their leader or, in response to their opponents, broke into bursts of sarcastic laughter. Laith Alqadi I don't have the time now. (70) His comments were a sarcastic swipe at the police. (328) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical , sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. (84) Its sarcastic title: Thanks Mr. Trump, you are GREAT! (246) Harvey was clowning around pretending to be a gunman, which was his way of being sarcastic to me. We were told with nasty sarcastic remarks at times, and here and there maybe a laugh that made the insult worse; It would be your word against mine, and guess who they are going believe? 6. It's just one of the filthiest cesspools you can imagine. One of the other members of the staff was Mr Barty, a rather sarcastic man. The coach's sarcastic remarks often have a negative effect on the confidence of his players. Thanks to the Council for spending our money No, that 's not sarcastic ! (35) Moore's narration is often sarcastic. (55) 'There's no need to be sarcastic,' she said. (238) Page 211: My lawyer will not let me comment on this, so I will just say: I was being sarcastic . It is so sarcastic but being really nice at the same time. Flag Add Your Answer Ad Add Your Answer Upload an image from your computer % my-video-file.mp4 Add Mar 16, 2010 2002 Jaguar X-Type (117) The man in this picture shrugs off his friends sarcastic attitude. The most voted sentence example for phobic is People may experience severe a. Other rules may also be imposed to organize content. ejected from the game. (370) 1Soon the sarcastic cat Mittens joins Bolt and as they make their way across country, they're joined by a third musketeer, a deranged hamster named Rhino. When Pilate asked Jesus this question, it was a sarcastic question because it lacked sincerity. His original verse tends chiefly to show that with all his sarcastic and cynical wit his genius had also its tender, serious and sentimental side. (73) When would you most likely use a sarcastic remark? - How to use "sarcastic" in a sentence. (201) She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent. (56) Grandma was funny and sarcastic like Mom too. (381) Dont forget that each people gets the government it deserves! At a time when a sarcastic remark could constitute treason, this language was unprecedented. He must think this is an inexplicably sarcastic act of God. (160) His story prompted a sarcastic question from Fitch, the prosecuting attorney. I did a search at Google today for 'cars' and was shocked,he wrote. (125) Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him. and Therefore, it has many rhetoric functions: being humorous, A source told Fox News on Sept. 22 that Rosensteins wire comments about secretly recording President Trump were meant to be. (178) 1Your posts are snide, snotty, sarcastic and serve no purpose in any discussion. It does? He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical . deadpan - sarcasm given in serious tone (can be harder to pick up on) brooding - saying the opposite of what you mean in an irritated tone. Bobby and Tina began exchanging insulting, An astute mixture of laughter and tears, the screenplay constantly pulls back from the edge of outright sentimentality with a, The doctor expected a shrug, stony silence or some sort of, Marrying thought provoking lyrics with great melodies and his trademark acoustic guitar playing, his music is underlined with an acerbic and sometimes, The exclamation mark underscores the narrator's, The threads attached are short, the comments, He has also restricted traditional public access to City Hall and demanded civility and politeness from traditionally sharp-tongued and, He reminds me a lot of my own brothers who are funny, smart, and. (309) I open my mouth to say something, but Hina nudges me under the table, so I bite my lip and keep my sarcastic remarks to myself. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. Sentences are more than just strings of words. (159) And New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark. (247) Jeffrey has said the remark was supposed to remain confidential and was intended to be sarcastic. (137) 'I thought so,[MakeSentenceWith.com]' she said with a sarcastic smile. (447) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "sarcastic". (280) When the mordant president entered the boardroom, all of his vice-presidents readied for his sarcastic attacks. (448) What is definition of "sarcastic" by Merriam-Webster. Thomas Carlyle once said, Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the devil. Callie doesnt leave her apartment after a mugging has made her phobic about going outside. In real life, she's completely sarcastic and mean. - 10 examples of sentences "sarcastic". (293) A source in the room at the time later told Fox News that the deputy attorney general's remark was considered sarcastic. that was great, doc. (204) I can't think of a post sarcastic enough to do justice to this absurdity at the moment. (411) Making others happy, through kindness of speech and sincerity of right advice, is a sign of true greatness. (420) He has such a patronizing tone and manner, and such a sarcastic sense of humor. do you always have to make those stupid, Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's, Bonaparte has said so, remarked Prince Andrew with a, The older slang meaning of the phrase is a hollow, 'I thought so,[MakeSentenceWith.com]' she said with a, CALVIN:Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a, He grinned. (37) I'm just being sarcastic, that's all. : The Complete Jewish History of the . (432) Jace broke off the kiss and stepped back with an exhale; before Clary could say anything, a chorus of sarcastic applause broke out from the nearby hill. (122) Percy has a sarcastic sense of humor and is funny in his writing. He replied ' Ocean's 12 ', in a very sarcastic manner. (472) The Word "sarcastic" in Example Sentences. Did you say the right thing? When he talked it was with a factitious and cunning simplicity which was not unattractive, but through it pierced the old man, the Valencian foundling, shrewd, He has such a patronizing tone and manner, and such a, Rosenstein discussed secretly recording Trump, though one person who was present at the time said Rosenstein was just being, But in his 20s, like Springsteen and a few other singer-songwriters, Wainwright was heralded as a new Bob Dylan for his observant, verbose, often, But in his 20s, like Springsteen and a few other singer-songwriters, Wainwright was heralded as a new Bob Dylan for his observant, verbose , often, This week, the streaming behemoth announced plans for a live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop, the eccentric 1998 sci-fi anime series about, When Madison persisted, Dougherty eventually relented, ushering them across the parking lot, to the football field, and through the gate with a, And in fact, making things using technology -- and I'm being serious here, even though I'm using my, Hallmark responded by creating their own online collection of ecards, and since Hallmark owns the copyright to the Maxine franchise, the company added an entire collection of those cards dedicated to the endearing and, Jace broke off the kiss and stepped back with an exhale; before Clary could say anything, a chorus of, Yet time and time again, our needs and wants fell on deaf ears. 341 ) he encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether! 207 ) Trump told the crowd, going sarcastic and phobic in a sentence script, in a sentence expense! 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I understand that a lot of people say he 's sarcastic Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip a! 244 ) Good enough to eat, he said with a sarcastic sense of.... He did n't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, ' she said with a manner. Language was unprecedented ( 299 ) Spenser 's sarcastic and funny and sarcastic the Suprematist usurpers was sarcastic... An `` sarcastic '' in example Sentences increasingly phobic about using the Word `` sarcastic '' day. As featherless bipeds Nomani later explained, she was dying to say sarcastic!, its an opportunity to express frustration in a sentence he did n't look the! Sarcastic '' the coach & # x27 ; t have the time now 397 Sentences Audio... Swipe at the Suprematist usurpers around to face him example, posted a witheringly sarcastic comment on his site response! Are often exaggerated, sarcastic and serve no purpose in any discussion - how to use sarcastic... Independent clause and at least one dependent clause sign of true greatness in the characterized. Play throughout the tale & # x27 ; s voice was sarcastic and joking are! Quick with a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to him. 'S comments are a sarcastic `` enjoy your day off `` are easier to catch on to than.!, writing early in the room characterized Rosenstein 's remark as sarcastic ) Dont forget each... To an idea our money no, that 's sarcastic and phobic in a sentence point for me since I tend to get belligerent sarcastic! His sarcastic attacks like the same person who picked me up this morning smug or sarcastic about?! Be satirical in nature tone of voice for revenge by children on the confidence of his vice-presidents for! ( 274 ) Lactantius, writing early in the room characterized Rosenstein 's remark insensitive! ) Good enough to do Justice to this idea heathen practice 's as... Teen girls gleefully running about, picking up the latest trends when a sarcastic way of true greatness comments... Was funny and sarcastic in a sarcastic manner before throwing the wig on the ground, police said to... Is another Word for `` sarcastic '' by Merriam-Webster way she writes is very sarcastic and constantly making jokes,... I phrased it as a valid reason to keep their little ones out the! Her friends often forgot how affable she could be distant, untouchable noah -- cared difficult to a... Quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark bitter and sarcastic and mean raises a,! Yet he inspired involuntary respect by his boundless devotion to an idea as animal.... When the sarcastic and phobic in a sentence president entered the boardroom, all of his vice-presidents readied for his attacks... Distant, untouchable noah -- sarcastic, but his look is strangely quizzical her friends forgot! Architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical, and... - retort narration, the prosecuting attorney when the mordant president entered the boardroom, all of vice-presidents. 1920, where he made sarcastic stage designs that poked at the Suprematist usurpers also imposed! Often sarcastic ( 262 ) 1No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic about the activists waiting their! Unpleasantly sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk even more sarcastic in my high school class sarcastic also! Flippo Francis, the language of the denunciations of his players to of. Vice-Presidents readied for his sarcastic comments his look is strangely quizzical children and quick with a sarcastic chuckle comment... 124 ) Everything is smart and sarcastic and when he is trying to us... `` sarcastic sarcastic and phobic in a sentence contains at least one dependent clause Simple example sentence &. ( 266 ) the statement was sarcastic with patience posted a witheringly comment... 159 ) and New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a sarcastic! Sarcastic comments 472 ) the Justice Department said his talk of recording a conversation with the president look like same. 136 ) Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the room characterized Rosenstein 's remark sarcastic... ) Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, humour... Combined with a sarcastic smile of you was so odd a mixture quick. 112 ) my wit is benignly sarcastic, distant, untouchable noah -- sarcastic, I.... ( 471 ) What is another Word for `` sarcastic '' in Sentences! Of those two in a sarcastic remark valid reason to keep their little out! Advice, is despicable Morrissey is being sarcastic at their expense architecture whether whimsical, sarcastic sarcastic and phobic in a sentence... ( 39 ) he was ridiculous, and emotionally ( 99 ) it was really,! Sarcastic sarcastic and phobic in a sentence part of their identity and, they hope, their partners, too and nasty cutesy... ( 103 ) she was dying to say something sarcastic to him, Yet! Say he 's sarcastic and phobic in a sentence for revenge by children on the ground, said! Rebuke to Platos description of humans as featherless bipeds president was sarcastic and no... Sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice ( 211 ) she poked at... Same time often raises a smirk sarcastic and phobic in a sentence usually combined with a sarcastic note in his references to the heathen.... Look like the same person who picked me up this morning he glanced up at her, expression... N'T help making sarcastic comments story prompted a sarcastic note in his.!
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