After MCT, they have the ability to purchase better luggage with wheels. He indicated that they can only call home on Monday: Just wanted to say that my wife and I throughly enjoyed your site. Youll hit the classroom first and then do some hands-on work in the afternoon. (Im east coast). You are using M4s and tactical slings now, that would have NEVER happened back then. Theyre a little lighter on you than Drill Instructors, but youll learn quick that they still treat you like youre still in boot camp. He needs to know that. Related Article Marine Infantry MOS Guide. thank you so much for you help1!!!!! Not only is this one of the best Hotdogs I have ever eaten.. and I have ate a lot lol, The guy operating the cart was more imformative than anyone else I asked to find out where my son was and times of graduation etc! MCT Knowledge. Kevlar Cover (1) SOI allows smoking and phones because it is considered their MOS school, but MCT does not allow either. Even my MOS was back up by up to 4 months and it was only a 3-month school. The last couple of days include a run and turning in your supplies before graduation. They wont let you take candy into the barracks, but you can stock up on cough drops which helps suppress the hunger a bit. Very unlikely that they will have time to write mail though. My suggestion would be for her to save her MRE warmers and eat her food cold. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Can somebody please help me find the info on his mos school start date!??? This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen. I have found lots of good information re: MCT and yours is extremely helpful. Some Marines found MCT to be a challenge, while others thought it was much easier than boot camp. Dakota, contact me at the link below and Ill help you the best I can. Most likely the Pensacola school is backed up right now, meaning that even if he went there tomorrow he would end up in a holding platoon until he was able to class up. MCT consists of 29 days of battle skills training that enables Marines to operate and thrive in a combat environment. Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. There is a possibility that she could get switched to a different platoon in the first few days as well. Dont worry, hell be just fine. Poncho Liner This is how Marines are trained, and it is what makes us the best. (on a Tuesday) Youll be issued additional gear outside of the basics that you received at Boot Camp. Should we be worried? Your daughter is fine she just has very little time for communication. Hey Kevinwanted to get your feedback on this. i looked on tecomm and the site does notwork! Canteen Pouch (2) A Marine could end up crawling in sand at nearly any time in their career, but there is no designated training at MCT that requires it like there was at boot camp. My question is hes going to FLW, MO for 3531 MOS, Motor T Operator. 2022 Enrique Lima Award The Enrique Lima Award is designed to recognize and celebrate the outstanding work of Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) in the MCT Community. Rest at ease. Thanks in advance for response. havent seen anything specific in this most helpful site, about the few, the proud ladies who also go through MCT after boot camp. I think it should just be another month long of training but its hard to know whats going on when you cant really be in contact with your Marine. Food did not matter. MCT Battalion generates Marine Riflemen to possess a foundational understanding of, and their role in applying, the Marine Corps warfighting ethos, core values, basic tenets of maneuver warfare,. hi kevin i am a young kid who is wanting to join the marines but i want to be able to get into shape my dad is a ex marine and he does not know any where for me to get into shape and i am dedacated to joining the marines and i will stop at nothing to join the marines.i would like to knowif you know any places in michigan to help me get into shape if you can write me back it would be great. My husband is in MCT training in the west coast, and no, you dont get weekends off. I never wrote or called home in the 4 years I was in and only took leave once for 5 days when I was in the Philippines. Yes, West coast has weekends off, and they are granted the opportunity to leave base. thanks yu. Since it will be cold can I pack the air activated hand warmers for her to use while there? Was picked up over Christmas, but they were given liberty for the first time in a long time, if not ever, in the history of East Coast MCT. What is a forced marching and conditioning hiking? Photo ID like a driver's license, passport, etc. My brother just left for MCT training this morning and after reading your article Im considering sending him some hand/ feet warmers. Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days. SOI East MCT BN This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Anything shared will be appreciated. Tactical Sling My son left for MCT on Monday. Semper fi! Training at Camp Lejeune Marines Unit Home New Personnel CAC-ID Card Center Checking In Housing Application Information Temporary Lodging Inns Of The Corps Vehicle Registration Household Goods. (better than a 30 minute visitation!). I have heard different things and I was wondering if you had an answer for me, because that would be awesome! The only difference is that the east coast has humidity, rain and chiggers, while the west coast has mountains on hikes. I did like I normally did which was to write two letters a week to keep him informed and motivated. God bless! I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Every platoon is different, but unless their schedule has changed in the last 3 weeks, then they still receive (most) weekends off, or at least some liberty on the weekends. Sappy plates go in I think at the ranges. His dad called me to ask why I had fired him. The 2 companies before and after mine are on this schedule though, so it might be a more permanent change. For many patrons, attending an MCT production is a special occasion, but formal wear is not required. I was an MCT instructor out there in the 90s all the pictures seem foreign to me except Camp Devil Dog. However, Marines who participated in the Marine Combat Training report on Quora vastly different experiences when comparing boot camp and MCT. Your Marines MCT graduation date will be on a Tuesday, 29 days after his check-in date or his class-up date (if he is held in a waiting platoon). We appreciate you taking your time and resources Thank you for your service to this country I hope we can be deserving of it! He was also told his only way out of i and to come home on leave until it starts would be to get recruiter assistance. and if he does have to spend time at the brigg (up to 30 days) whats it like? Proud Marine Mom Rule #2 Bootcamp today is so much easier than when I was in boot camp Golf Company 1st Platoon Semper Fidelis and keep up the good work on keeping parents and family involved. He called me that night to let me know that he had arrived safely but I havent heard from him since. The first day of MCT receiving/check-in is chaotic. Established to honor the contributions of Enrique Limaa husband, a father of two, an MCT and MCT Regional Leadwho went above and beyond expectations to build a vibrant MCT . Do you not still stand in formation at crazy times because someone missed formation or duty? But victims are still waiting for closure. Lets jus say this sight gives the tacticle advantage to bad people, and through this they can use a simple 7 step terrorist planning process which it wouldnt be hard to do considering the information that is posted. I could be wrong on the food per diem and housing. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. Im sure many west coast Marines can argue that you never had hills to deal with (b/c I JUST left Camp Pendleton, believe me the hills are not something to argue with). I tried to switch with the other girls in my platoon, but everyone seemed to have larges and the ones with smalls wouldnt give them up. After a weekend of liberty you had MOS assignments and orders, they issued tickets then, seems like now Marines got to arrange and pay to get where the Corps send them. 2022 Camp Geiger Leader Guide . You eat MREs the ENTIRE time, and A rations for one meal a day the first week and a half. THE MARINE COMBAT TRAINING BATTALION-EAST CONDUCTS STANDARDS-BASED COMMON COMBAT SKILLS TRAINING OF ENTRY-LEVEL MARINES IN ORDER TO CREATE RIFLEMEN FOR SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE MARINE CORPS.. I appologize if I am coming off as abrasive or uncompassionate, but please understand that everything the Marine Corps does is for a reason. Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0166. Any advice on bootcamp? My son was a very fit 62 and 195lbs, squad leader for a year with his Delayed Entry Prog before he left. Image: Congrats on your new Marine! I graduate boot camp in november then my 10 days will i report to mct during the holidays. Related Article List of Marine Corps Bases in the US. There will be a lot of trading, buying and selling of MREs during MCT. What should I expect and what can I tell his family? Hes most likely already done. My son leaves form MCT at Camp Geiger on Monday. The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. Im worried he got shit on when he went and I havent heard from him yet. I never went home once (except the 10 days after boot camp) The Corps became my family and the trivial matters that went on back home just were not my concern. The School of Infantry (SOI) has two different locations; SOI West at Camp Pendleton in California and SOI East at Camp Geiger in North Carolina. I was born and raised in California, back when it was a state I was much prouder of before our infiltration and I still remember as a young girl the G.I.s coming home from serving in Viet Nam, and how different these young men were from when they left. Parents/family were allowed to visit, I didnt get to! Hey! I do have a question. I know she wants to see him but only being able to see him for 5 7 hours just doesnt make that drive worth it. Also, your weapons training continues. The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. Dont expect there to be a softer tone or method of dealing with female Marines versus male Marines. Meanwhile, new recruits west of the Mississippi River attend MCRD San Diego and advance to SOI West (Camp San Onofre). Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. Simply add 4 weeks and 1 day to the date that your Marine (or you) classes up, and youll have your Marines MCT graduation date. The next few days youll spend studying for your final written exam, turning in gear, getting orders, going through admin again and practicing for your twenty-minute graduation. The Marine Corps' mantra is "every Marine a rifleman", and Marine Combat Training is where that philosophy is implemented. Thanks for the kind words, Anna. 2011 MCT Graduation Dates (pdf) It was an experience I wont forget, even know that Im out I still remember it like it was yesterday. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. Graduation Information All graduations at Camp Geiger are held at the Camp Geiger Gym (BLDG G930) or LZ 15, depending on the weather. During the first 21 days of ITB, all Marines receive the same training before splitting into MOS-specific infantry training. Im not 100% sure because he only had a few minutes to talk so I wasnt able to ask a lot of questions. He will report around the block, by bus for MOS. Tactical Vest (duece gear) Semper Fi! Yes, Camp Geiger's Rally Point Recreation Center is located on 6th and D Street. My fianc is currently doing MCT training on the west coast (Camp Pendleton). It is to bring them home after a combat tour. This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. People at the end get screwed because as soon as youre done firing youll police call and head to the next range, or back to camp. E-Tool (Folding Shovel) (1) I live about 16 hours away and really cant afford missing anymore school after going to his bootcamp graduation If I dont go will he be the only one without someone there? Marine Combat Training MatrixEvery platoon at Marine Corps boot camp has a few recruits that get a hold of the training matrix/schedule, but finding a schedule for Marine Combat Training (MCT) is another story. At the end of the day the Marine Corps maintains its fearsome battle reputation because it trains it men hard because combat is hard and the more you sweat in training, the less you die in war. There are two locations for this training. I graduated MCT on Dec 14, and the training schedule is pretty different from what you have, and from what Ive heard its constantly being reworked. Thank you soooo much!!!! Your email address will not be published. warzone domino real life. My fiance went to MCT november 30th, however I think there was some concern that he and a few of his buddies from boot camp were going to be arriving to MCT training later than the report date(Nov.23), because of some complications when the company scheduled flights with the air lines. If you cant, then try to borrow one until you can buy one. They will come back this Friday. I was hoping to get to see her for at least the thanksgiving holiday. Be prepared to be treated like crap at East coast MCT. It is recommended that you bring 3 sets of appropriate civilian clothes to wear on liberty. The hands-on work will consist of performing patrols, spotting IEDs, detaining personnel, and operating checkpoints. The bad news is that youll be issued somewhere around 36 MREs for your two weeks in the field. he graduates the 13th of December and i know they have to go straight to MOS after this. Yes, everything that they take from Boot Camp pretty much needs to go with them to MCT. Hehe. This also doesnt include field weeks where 1-3 hours of sleep a night is normal. Or is it less common for family to attend this time? I have been telling myself she is just too busy and this has just confirmed my thinking. He is going for legal assistance, just wondering if you knew where his training might be? L.I.N.K.S. Can you tell me what time the final march begins and ends? SOI East MCT BN I found this site as my son is shipping out soon, so I was wondering about the MCT schedule ( we did not have that when I was in ) I am a Marine as is his grand father. Back in. You might, if youre lucky, have about 30 minutes to change over to civilian clothes, grab your bags, say goodbye and jump on the bus. Your site is great!! If you live east of the Mississippi river, you attend Camp Grieger. The training is 29 days in length. Keep your food. Thanks for everyone helping everyone else out and answering questions. She should graduate this tues the 23rd but I dont know. @ Julie, is your fiances MCT are in Camp Pendleton? I talked to him today and we wil be driving there to visit him for his liberty from 8 am to 4 pm. before hes gone for Christmas and 2 months after that. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. This year's edition is even more comprehensive than the four previous versions, enhanced with photos and more program detail, and now includes all relevant camp forms within this single publication. Maybe not I am pretty strong, but it does sound like a lot of work. The punish all because of the acts of one has LITERALLY no learning curve, purpose, or long-term positive logic behind it. I guess my question is, will he still go straight from MCT to pensacola? I had to fire a salesman that worked for me years ago because he was what seemed to be just a 25 year old baby boy. Did you have some that resisted coming together as a team? But it's good training. No m4s and no sapi carriers. His MOS is avaiation mechaninc (something like that.) Suddenly, you got a glimpse of the young man that was your neighbor and how funny he was before he went to war. God Bless. Stephanie, Proud mom of a new Marine, Kevin I wrote you before and told you about my son who lost a lot of weight at boot and when he came home he wasnt acting at all like himself..Well they put him in a plt ( sac)waiting to get out. In fact, I was the assistant curriculum developer at the time and fought tooth and nail to make sure ALL non-infantry Marines received the same training (trust me that entailed WAY more briefs than any person should ever endure in a lifetime). We were told hed get to call on Sunday but didnt hear anything, neither have we recd his address. Semper Fi ! Dont waste your time writing letters MCT will be over before they get mailed out. Im going to join as soon as summer rolls around. Chow hall, squadbays, getting your civilian stuff back, cleaning. Some of the Marines with him did not have a uniform change with them. The exams at MCT are similar to boot camp exams. Later that week, you will do a five-mile hike, learn field care, and do a lot of hiking and running. [] Infantry School: Reservist vs. You can activate your MRE heaters and put them in your blouse pockets, use them as hand warmers and even put them in your boots to prevent your toes from getting frostbite. All Rights Reserved. You dont really need the blanks. Most of the instructors are males, but there are some female instructors. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. It is sort of an inner club, as each coast has there own unique obstacles they must face (i.e. Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 0166. Ethansproudmom. Last question. As an MCT Alumni Courses 466 View detail Preview site Take advantage of it while you can youll live off MREs for the last two weeks of MCT. The Corps will provide everything he needs and he is well paid to boot. Now, obviously, I can not speak for every MCT instructor but my goal was to save at least one life each class. my daughter leaves Monday for east coast MCT. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California. Im also assuming that the DIs are trained to see these flaws and do what is necessary to remedy them. my marine left on the 29th of december to MCT. MCT Hotels (pdf) This is one of the best set up pages I have ever seen. I even called one of the companies at MCT,Camp Lejeune and spoke to a Female PFC who was answering phones, and who also told me there had been letters mailed the night before (Dec 7) to families. 1 week ago You might attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton or Camp Geiger. Hes done on the 15th I think and he told me he may be lucky if he even gets 3 days. From your posts it looks like there is another family day and graduation for combat training. Also, you begin weapons training. I enjoy this website, thanks so much. Is there a good site you know of that gives a lot of info for MOS in 29 palms Cali? This time frame includes administration procedures initially and consists of the day of graduation at the end. Fire through a bunch of blanks and then hold the barrel of your rifle. Its no bother. Since he checked in on a tuesday instead of that monday. It is pretty comparable to the crucible hike, on less-even ground. During these times, it is safe to rely on the old saying no news is good news. Current Vehicle Registration Then the hike back to Camp Geiger (where you started) to waste time and wait for graduation. Rule #3 The new Marines coming in to the Corps today arent as good or as tough as the Marines of old. Kevin, my daughter called the first sun after she arrived and asked for us to mail her a few things and we have not heard a word or recieved a letter since. hey my boyfriend just went into MCT and he has only 26 days left. -Christy. I like the idea of close combat training. Check-in dates are on a Monday. Some of it makes sense, and some of it is pointless just like the military in general. School of Infantry training is demanding which requires you to remain at the base. It was different as a female in boot camp because we were trained separately but in mct it was even harder. What Happens After MCT? Im not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Magazines (4) In either case, your training is the same. halo am Eric from Kenya and i have always loved and wished to be a marine something that i have even tried here in Kenya but as soon as am almost taken,am asked for a bribe something that has hurt ed me.Please if there is a way i can join the U.S marine coz that has always been ma dream,tell me. Maybe you can round up your buddies at Camp Lejeune for an extra set of eyes . The east coast, west coast argument is more of a fun game we play. However, the reason that West Coast students get 6 out of 29 days off is because all of the training areas for prac apps and classes are within close walking distance. Try to get to the front of the line, that way youll be done and can head back to your pack. On the 15th I think at the ranges to SOI west ( San... More permanent change one life each class of that Monday schedule though, so it might be,... To ask a lot of questions the west coast has mountains on hikes it might be 29-day... 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